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As a start-up journal, we have received support from different groups and individuals since our very beginnings. We want to thank everyone who has contributed to the realization and the growth of SCAJ.

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Cambridge Journal of Human Behaviour

CJHB is an interdisciplinary and international journal for undergraduates, publishing works that concern human behaviour from anthropological, psychological, and/or biological perspectives. It is our mission to traverse the often imagined gap between the "social" and "natural" sciences and offer undergraduates the rare opportunity to experience academic publishing and reviewing processes. All our manuscripts undergo a rigorous double-blind peer-review by a large team of reviewers and editors that have been trained by Nature and/or the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Cambridge. We are also committed to diamond open access: i.e., free to submit and free to read. Submit your work today to be published in our upcoming issue!


For more information and access to our latest issues, visit our website here:

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Antropologen Beroepsvereniging

The Dutch Association of Anthropologists (ABv) represents the interests of anthropologists who live, work, or study in the Netherlands. The board of the ABv reflects the broad field in which anthropologists are active. The platform is for anyone interested in anthropology and socio-cultural topics: You'll find articles, vacancies, events, and much more.



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Djembé is the study association of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology from Utrecht. This association organizes social and educational activities for future anthropologists. They meet at the university during seminars and lectures and can chat to students about certain anthropological concepts, but also make it possible for students to have a drink and become friends for life. In this way, students can build up a broad network!



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Students of Cultural Anthropology Journal
KvK: 83320504

Our mission is to empower undergraduate and graduate students of anthropology in Utrecht to feel that their work matters. As such, we work to create a collaborative and independent intellectual space for all students.

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Want to donate to SCAJ?

IBAN: NL64 TRIO 03 2031 2771 



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