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Welcome to Fieldnotes! In this space, students and alumni can share their views and experiences of anthropology in the form of short, non-university graded articles. We encourage our readers to leave their thoughts and share their personal experiences by commenting on the posts. Let's have a conversation!
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Miriam van den Berg & Tamar Oderwald
Nov 1, 20234 min read
Part six: Money, money, money
Must be funny, in the rich man’s world. Miriam and I (Tamar) were out one day running some errands and chatting about fieldwork (as we do...

Miriam van den Berg & Tamar Oderwald
Oct 25, 20236 min read
Part five: Embracing self-reflection
As an anthropologist, there is nothing you’ll do more than reflect on the things you’ve seen, and experienced, or what you’ve yet to do...

Miriam van den Berg & Tamar Oderwald
Oct 18, 202310 min read
Part four: Administrative work
Fieldwork is exciting, eye-opening, and intriguing. Each experience and conversation is one you would otherwise never have. But fieldwork...

Miriam van den Berg & Tamar Oderwald
Oct 11, 20239 min read
Part three: Maintaining boundaries and staying safe
Let us get straight to the point: Your personal safety is ALWAYS more important than your research. Especially if you are part of a...

Miriam van den Berg & Tamar Oderwald
Oct 4, 20238 min read
Part two: Taking care of your mental well-being
I (Tamar) remember learning about the different stages of fieldwork. There’s the honeymoon phase when everything is new and exciting. You...

Miriam van den Berg & Tamar Oderwald
Sep 27, 20238 min read
Part one: Preparations
For an anthropology student, fieldwork is arguably the most anticipated part of the curriculum. It’s equally exciting and scary...

Sunil Raj
Jul 7, 20234 min read
Insanity at the Edge of the World: Werner Herzog’s Ecstatic Truth
We at SCAJ had the distinct honor of being invited to the EYE Film Museum for the press opening of the new Werner Herzog exhibit...

Sunil Raj
Feb 10, 20234 min read
First Day in Patient Visits
The major component of my fieldwork was volunteering at Pallium, India. Pallium is a volunteer-run cooperative that provides home...

Jun 9, 20224 min read
Humor: The elephant in the ethnographic room
You've just arrived in Algeria to conduct fieldwork and you've tried your very best to learn the local language. On the streets you...
Borbála (Borcsi) Jáger
Mar 16, 20224 min read
Since I am studying anthropology, I dare to play more with the connection of art and science - therefore I chose the poem format to...

Tamar Oderwald
Feb 25, 20225 min read
Photo Elicitation and Phenomenology
Photo elicitation, also known as participatory photography, is a visual ethnographic method in which research participants are asked to...
Max Wilbers
Dec 30, 20215 min read
Reflections on Online Interviews
I tend to be on my computer 30-20mins in advance to prepare for my incoming video call. This preparation involves turning on the kettle...

Iepke Rijcken
Sep 28, 20213 min read
Illustrating Anthropology: The first encounter
Many anthropologists have made sketches and illustrations during their fieldwork. However, visual representations, including drawings...
Aug 27, 20211 min read
Welcome to Fieldnotes!
We are excited to welcome you to this new space on our website. Fieldnotes was created to encourage students to share their experiences...
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